Why Choose Us

Quality Timely Delivery

Premium audit services are completed by experienced insurance and finance professionals with longstanding knowledge and expertise the auditing industry focusing on quality and timely delivery.

Secure Portal

Secure portal specific to each audit set up and utilized to assure safe transmission of records and information.

Utilize Visual Audit and Nexus Insurance Solutions

We utilize both Visual Audit and Nexus Insurance Solutions audit database platforms, offering business to business assignments, communication, audit submission etc.

Dedicated Auditors Reside in Service Area

Service area includes all New England states and all auditors reside within the New England states allowing for state specific expertise.

Custom Audit Requirements Accommodated

Need a custom audit tailored to your specific need, market, industry, customer? We are here to help.

Owner Operated and Managed

We take pride in being a company that is owner operated and managed. Our owners are proud to work directly with our customers.

Markets We Serve

  • Voluntary
  • Involuntary/Residual
  • Self Insured Groups

Fully Insured

We are fully insured in the following policies:

  • WC
  • GL
  • E&O